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aspergers disease: the best definition!!

aspergers disease Asperger's is not really a disease at all, but rather a condition that many children . The word disease itself can give the FALSE impression that Asperger and many wonderful children who are victims. 
In this article I 'LL give you a simple explanation of some of the characteristics of Asperger's syndrome and then give some aspergers disease useful tips on how to manage difficult behaviors often associated with this disease .
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Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a child 's ability to interact and communicate effectively with others . Children with Asperger syndrome usually have social difficulties and absorbing interest in specific areas aspergers disease. Signs and symptoms of Asperger's syndrome include unusual nonverbal communication, such as lack of eye contact , few facial expressions , postures and gestures or awkward postures display.
 People with Asperger syndrome often have an intense obsession with one or two subjects , precise and restrictive , such as baseball statistics ,aspergers disease train schedules , weather or snakes . They do not seem to understand , empathize with or be sensitive to others' feelings and will have difficulty "reading" other people or understanding humor. When they often speak with one voice is monotonous , rigid or unusually fast .aspergers disease They sometimes appear to move clumsily , with poor coordination and display an odd posture or steep approach

Children with Asperger syndrome often exhibit behavioral problems in response to a world that can cope effectively.aspergers disease Any attempt to disrupt the behaviors must first consider why the behavior occurs. The best way to determine why the person with Asperger's display difficult behavior is to perform an ABC analysis . This includes an analysis of the antecedent , behavior and consequence. aspergers disease antecedent is what happens before the behavior . The behavior is their response to the antecedent . 
The result , and it is difficult is that immediately following the behavior. Often , a child with Asperger's have a limited ability to verbalize their needs ,aspergers disease they can help it , once you have identified the cause of the behavior. Remember that going to be something that happens before or after the problem occurs . 
Once you have established the reason for the behavior , the child with Asperger syndrome need a coherent program of behavior or an intervention method . Children with Asperger's crave consistency and routine and need to know what will happen , or simply create more challenging behaviors disease.

For children with Asperger's , the behavioral intervention should take into account environmental changes that may need to be done. This may include removing items that can be over-stimulating or providing things that seem to need . 
aspergers disease For the child with Asperger's syndrome , the behavioral intervention aspergers disease should also make plans to provide the person with a replacement behavior . 
Remember, if you eliminate the behavior without addressing the need , they will find their own replacement behavior ! Autism and Asperger syndrome are difficult to diagnose , especially in young aspergers disease children where language and cognitive skills are still developing . All children are different, and many children show signs or symptoms sometime Asperger 's .
what is aspergers disease?