It is likely that the autistic child is in general education does not require special training, which means they are likely to have obvious problems learning. But he said they still have special needs school autistic.
The first thing a teacher should do is to talk to other staff and the SENOR in your autistic Make sure everyone understands what autism is and are aware of how this will affect the child's behavior.
Sometimes it is helpful to explain to the other children in the class about autism. This will help you get ready for school with an autistic child. It will be helpful to explain that the new member may act differently or strange - for example, can school autistic scream unexpectedly or laugh at inappropriate things.
You should explain that although the autistic child may act inappropriately it is not intentional and they have feelings like everyone else. This is an important thing to note, because it will be very easy for the autistic child to become the center school autistic of teasing, bullying and teasing if the other children in the class and the school does not include the behavior and ways of autistic children.
Probably one of the tasks that must be performed before the autistic child begins in the classroom should be noted that the hosting autistic
class accommodation of autism to consider:
Take note of the special needs of children with autism, for example, go to the bathroom, with autism go to the bathroom can be a problem, how the child handles this and if necessary signs Add to 'bathroom, (small picture cards with text) in order to avoid embarrassment and allow the autistic identify the bathroom child school autistic.
Ask parents for a meeting and try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the autistic child. You can build on the strengths and school autistic encourage them.
Sometimes it may be necessary to appoint an assistant (LA) or assistant to help autistic children in school class.
The role of the assistant should be to encourage autistic children to be more independent, work on the task and to mix with other children.
It is likely that, especially at the beginning to keep school autistic an eye on children during recess and during recess, when they could spend a lot of time alone.
Autistic children tend to like prefer their own company, however, children and adolescents may feel left out or autistic It can sometimes be useful for structure breaks to avoid any problems.
Try to avoid metaphorical speech, for example: "Wait a minute", autistic children tend to be very literal and does not understand. Avoid sarcastic language, or exaggeration, and nicknames, so when you talk to the child and the class school autistic as a whole. Always be aware of what you say and how it could be misinterpreted by the child.
You may have to repeat the course for and maintain control of autistic children still listening, their attention span can be short, especially when something is not of interest to them school autistic.
When you talk to a group, make sure you have the attention of the child. Especially young children can not understand that are included in school autistic the group, so you may have to include talking to them directly by saying their name or talk first, then the whole class.
Like listening to a foreign language or something you really have no interest in what we all tend to turn to it. An autistic child is no different than a few sentences go to the head that will turn your audience stop and listen back to their own autistic
Try using visual aids in teaching a subject that requires abstract thinking. You may be able to use photographs and images to help keep the attention of the autistic child.
Even in high school, it is still possible to use visual aids school autistic for example illustrations or diagrams could be added to spreadsheets.
Visual schedules are used with great success, the autistic child can quickly recognize what is happening as a visual cue for the various different times of the day, such as pause, recess, physical education classes, etc school autistic. Home time
You may want to include time for swimming because it is a difficult time for most children with autism.
You may also want to think about autism school autisticusing social stories as a tool to help autistic children to keep on task and understand what is expected of them throughout the day and what to expect from other.
Autism social stories are used with success school autistic in the classroom and may be preferred as a friend of an autistic child, and the teacher a taste! It is used with a visual calendar and the joint behavior of the regime, the social stories autism become valuable school autistic.